Before arriving in France, your dream was to visit all 13 regions of France at least once. But here you are, 2 months have passed and you still haven’t saved enough to go anywhere because things cost so much in France. Besides, you had all kinds of unexpected expenses in the end. So should you […]
Tips for Paris
How to craft an exciting yet achievable bucket list for France
You know I get it, when you heard that you were going to France you got so excited that you started looking through loads of travel guides and writing down all the stuff you’ll want to visit and taste while you live in France. Totally normal, we’ve all done that at some point. The problem […]
Watch these 8 stunning movies to discover true Paris
If you like French movies and Paris, then my guess is you’ve watched the modern classics Amélie Poulain and les Intouchables. Even if you aren’t a fan of French movies yet, they are such an easy way to get a good feel of the modern French society as those movies were produced for French viewers.That’s […]